Hand Care: The Missing Step in Your Anti-Ageing Routine

Your hands are put to more daily use and abuse than your face and less pampering, yet hand care slips at the bottom of our beauty priorities.

Lifting. Typing. Styling. High-fiving. The list of things you do with your hands could go on forever, yet hand care slips at the bottom of our beauty priorities. Your hands are put to more daily use and abuse than your face and less pampering. So it’s not surprising that they "tattle-tale" your age quicker than any other part of your body.

While you can’t stop the natural, biological process of ageing, you can do a lot to prevent and reduce damage caused by external factors such as UV radiation, pollution and harsh chemicals. More importantly, taking care of your hands doesn’t have to be a major production. Here are 3 simple steps to help your hands look and feel good at any age:

#1 Sun protection

hand care, age spots, old hands

When was the last time you put sunscreen on your hands? If you don’t want them covered with age spots, you should be putting sunscreen on every day and reapplying after you wash your hands. Yes, age spots have nothing to do with age. They are the result of unprotected sun exposure. UV rays damage the DNA in skin cells which induces dark spots formation and uneven pigmentation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to shield your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

#2 Exfoliation

hand care, exfoliation

Our skin dries out quickly and takes longer to replenish itself as we age. With the loss of elasticity and hydration, veins that are not visible under plump skin become prominent and the skin on our hands starts to look crepey.

Regular exfoliation will remove dead cell build-ups and put your skin’s renewal process in boot camp. Use a retinol crème to improve rough skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Look for products enriched with vitamins E and C as they are natural antioxidants that restore and enhance skin barrier function.

#3 Hydration

hand care, hydration, hand creme

You probably put a lot more thought into choosing your face cleanser than you did your hand soap. But how often do you wash your hands compared to your face? Harsh detergents strip natural oils and moisture from the skin, leaving your hands dry, cracked and susceptible to irritation.

To protect your hands, hydrate regularly throughout the day, especially after contact with water. Use a rich, nourishing crème that restores hydration and stimulates skin barrier function. Oraser® Nourishing Hand Crème is formulated with nourishing shea butter and skin conditioners to provide a deep hydration and help diminish the appearance of age spots and uneven pigmentation.