4 Myths You Probably Believe About Your Pores

Constantly frustrated with the size of your pores? Here's the biggest myths about your pores getting in your way to great skin and the truth behind them:

The biggest misconceptions about your pores that are getting in your way to great skin:

Myth #1: The sun can shrink your pores

pores, sun exposure, myths about your pores

In reality unprotected sun exposure does the complete opposite. UV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin—the proteins that keep your skin supple, healthy and resilient. And with less collagen to keep them tight, your pores start to slacken and become more apparent. So, do yourself (and your skin) a favour and slather on the sunscreen.

Myth #2: You can open and close pores

pores, steaming face, myths about your pores

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been told that you can steam your pores open. This might just be the biggest skincare misconception out there. Your pores dilate like a camera lens and go from narrow to wide or wide to narrow, but there is no magical way to “open” them. What steaming really does is help loosen the excess oils and debris that build up inside pores and make it easier to clean them.

Myth #3: You can shrink your pores permanently

pores, shrinking pores, myths about your pores

This is one is hard to swallow, but unfortunately, your pore size is determined by your genes. While you can’t permanently change the size of your pores, you can do a lot to improve their appearance. Chemical exfoliants and topical retinoids are your best allies in the fight against enlarged pores. These products increase cell turnover, purge excess oil and dirt from your pores and improve the overall texture of your skin.

If you like multitasking products (who doesn’t?!), Ossential Instant Pore Refiner will become a staple for your beauty bag. This serum is light as a feather and clinically proven to minimise the appearance of pores. Thanks to its exclusive formulation, packed with fruit extracts and antioxidants, Ossential Instant Pore Refiner prevents pore congestion and defends your skin against harmful environmental factors.

Myth #4: Blackheads always mean clogged pores

pores, squeezing blackheads, sebaceous filament, myths about your pores

Many people think that black dots on their nose are clogged pores or blackheads. They are, in fact mostly fine hair follicles or a combination of sebum and skin cells called sebaceous filaments. Sebaceous filaments are a naturally occurring part of the skin’s system designed to distribute oil. Unlike blackheads and pimples, they are not filled with dirt and dead cell debris, so you shouldn’t worry about them and definitely should not try to squeeze them.