Rosacea treatment diet

Proper diet and a good skincare routine can help you reduce flare-ups and keep your skin calm and happy. Here are the dos and don’ts of your rosacea diet:

Dealing with rosacea flare-ups is no fun unless you enjoy unpredictable face flushing, painful irritation and hypersensitivity. No? Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution for rosacea, so one of the only reliable ways to get a grip on your condition is to pinpoint the triggers and avoid them whenever possible. Proper diet and a good skincare routine can help you reduce your flare-ups and keep your skin calm and happy. Here are the dos and don’ts of your rosacea diet:

Foods to Avoid:

rosacea diet, citrus fruit, histamine

• Citrus fruits that are high in histamine such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Histamine dilates blood vessels and increases the blood flow near the surface of your skin which makes your face look red and flushed.

• Warming spices such as ginger, cumin and black pepper.

• Soft drinks and foods that contain high levels of glucose such as biscuits, dried fruits and chocolate. Glucose has a similar effect on the skin as histamine; it causes blood vessels to dilate and triggers facial flushing. Starchy and sugary foods also stimulate the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut which can cause further inflammation and exacerbate your symptoms.

• Pickled, fermented or smoked foods like pickled beets, smoked meats and old fermented cheeses such as blue cheese and Roquefort.

• Alcohol and hot beverages.

Foods to Eat:

rosacea diet, vegetable, fibre

• High-fibre foods such as lentils, asparagus and kale encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut and help keep your skin inflammation-free.

• Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids like wild salmon, walnuts and flax seeds that also have anti-inflammatory properties.

• Deeply pigmented fruits like blueberries, strawberries and cherries are extremely rich in antioxidants and provide a powerful defence against pollutants and free radicals.

• Soothing spices like fennel, saffron, parsley and cardamom.

• Lean protein sources such as chicken and turkey.