4 Ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles That Actually Work


dark circles under the eyes, panda

Dark circles under the eyes don’t really look cute on anyone except pandas. If you look tired and rundown all the time because of those pesky purple bags under your eyes—we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about under-eye bags and how to get rid of them:

What causes dark circles under your eyes?

  • Agedark circles under eyes, age

As we get older, our blood circulation deteriorates and the collagen in our skin depletes, which causes blood vessels under the eyes to show through more prominently.

  • Genetics

dark circles under the eyes, genetics, DNA

Dark circles under the eyes often run within a family and can also be down to skin type. People with olive skin are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation under the eyes because their skin has more melanin. Those with very fair and thin complexions are also likely to get visible dark circles because dilated blood vessels appear more visible under thin, pale skin.

  • Sun damage

dark circles under the eyes, sun damage

The skin beneath the eyes is 40% thinner than the rest of the face which makes it especially prone to sun-induced damage and hyperpigmentation.

What can do you to prevent dark circles?

Stay hydrated

dark circles under the eyes hydration

When your body is dehydrated, it desperately tries to retain water, causing your eyes to swell and under-eye circles to become more visible. Make sure you drink eight to ten 8-ounce servings of water per day to keep your eyes clear and sparkling and the skin beneath them tight and plump.

Get enough sleep

dark circles under the eyes, sleep

It’s called “beauty sleep” for a reason. Your body recovers and repairs itself while you sleep and that leads to a long list of benefits for your health and appearance. If you skimp on sleep regularly, you are likely to end up with a drab, sallow and lifeless complexion.

Watch your diet

dark circles under the eyes, salt, snacks

If you want to keep your skin healthy, plump and wrinkle-free, it’s important to pay attention to what you eat and drink. Too much, salt, refined carbohydrates and alcohol dehydrate your skin and make dark circles beneath them look worse.

Sunscreen is your skin’s best friend

dark circles under the eyes, sun protection, sunscreen

Sun damage accounts for about 80% of visible signs of ageing and the thin skin under the eyes is especially prone to hyperpigmentation and fine lines. To protect your eyes (and the skin around them) from the sun's harmful rays, apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 all year round and wear sunglasses that can filter out UV radiation.


If the dark circles under your eyes are getting bigger than your friends’ circle despite your efforts to maximise your beauty sleep and eat a skin-friendly diet, maybe it’s time to rethink your skincare routine:

  1. The Quick Fixer

Hydrafirm Eye Brightening Repair Creme, dark circles under the eyes

Hydrafirm is specifically designed to help minimise all signs of ageing around the eyes. You will get visibly smoother and firmer skin after just one application. Packed with vitamin A, proteins and enzymes, Hydrafirm stimulates the production of collagen to restore skin elasticity and immediately softens the appearance of dark circles under eyes.

  1. The Antioxidant Superhero

ossential c-bright serum, dark circles under the eyes, antioxidant

Ossential C-Bright Serum Plus provides a potent dose of 10% pure vitamin C that brightens and re-textures the skin. Vitamin E and co-enzyme Q-10 protect your skin from free radical damage and prevent new pigment formation.

  1. The Night Time Solution

Ossential Advanced Radical Night Repair, dark circles under the eyes

Ossential Advanced Radical Night Repair contains 1% retinol that targets sun-induced damage and pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. Formulated with vitamins C, A and E as well as plant stem cell skin protectors, Advanced Radical Night Repair improves skin brightness, improves skin texture and elasticity and protect the skin from future damage.