5 Bad Habits Ruining Your Skin

If healthy, glowing skin is at the top of your beauty priorities, you need to kiss these bad habits goodbye and we'll help you with that.

If healthy, glowing skin is at the top of your beauty priorities, you need to kiss these bad habits goodbye:

1. Smoking

bad habits ruining your skin, smoking, smoking effects on skin

If you smoke, you already know you need to quit. You know smoking is bad for heart, lungs and brain but do you know that every puff is also adding ages to your face?

Every time you light up, you inhale over 4 000 toxic chemicals that cause oxidative stress and inflammation in your skin. Long-time smokers develop wrinkles earlier in life because the chemicals in tobacco smoke deprive the skin from oxygen and damage collagen and elastin molecules. Quitting smoking cold turkey isn’t easy, but the overall health and wellbeing of your body and skin, it’s surely worth it. If you are struggling to stop smoking, then why don't you consider an alternative like vaping? It's not quite the same but it is certainly better and easier then going cold turkey. You could check out sites like this Portuguese one called Grossistas de Vaporizadores if you are interested in finding an alternative method to stop smoking.

2. Skipping on SPF

bad habits ruining your skin, unprotected sun exposure, SPF

Sun damage doesn’t discriminate. It can happen all year-round, affects all skin types and the damage builds up each year. If you want to protect your skin from getting wrinkled, saggy and unevenly pigmented, SPF should be a non-negotiable part of your daily skincare routine. Choose a broad-spectrum formula that includes protection against UVB, UVA and HEV radiation.

3. Eating too much junk food

bad habits ruining your skin, junk food, carbohydrates

What is wrong with the occasional burger and chips? Nothing! But if you are a junk food junkie or have a monster sweet tooth, you are damaging your skin. Refined carbohydrates cause spikes in your blood sugar level and trigger a surge of insulin. Overproduction of insulin leads to hormonal imbalances that can exacerbate breakouts and irritation. Make your diet work with you rather than against you and load up on antioxidants and skin-friendly foods.

4. Squeezing pimples.

bad habits ruining your skin, squeezing pimples, spots, picking acne

We know, there’s something too irresistible about squeezing a spot out of existence. However, you should resist picking your pimples if you don’t want to end up with some nasty scars and acne hyperpigmentation. Squeezing zits just pushes bacteria and deeper into your skin (and transfers new germs from your fingers), causing inflammation, irritation and scarring.

5. Over-exfoliating

bad habits ruining your skin, over-exfoliating, signs of over-exfoliation

Going overboard with exfoliation (physical and chemical) does more harm than good to your skin. Scrubbing too hard and too often can damage the protective barrier of your skin and hinder its ability to retain moisture. Watch your skin for the sneaky signs of over-exfoliation and scrub no more than three times per week.